Lesson Plan: I have created a step by step Lesson.Plan for the first stages of 'establishing' an e-mail account, composing e-mail and replying to e-mail, so as to provide an example of how it may be approached. It is important to take all stages of these activities step by step, as students otherwise will be signing up for newsletters or spam before you know it. Take care also that students are not left behind in a process that has many consecutive steps. Structure: This activity is divided into five components. These five components can be taught over two lessons. To view, click on
the appropriate component:
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5 Part One: Privacy and Contractual Obligations. To establish an account students should be fully informed of the (lack of) privacy conditions in Internet e-mail and their, and the providing companies, legal obligations. Teachers are advised to thoroughly read the privacy conditions and contractual obligations of the particular provider they intend to use, before commencing this teaching activity. Extension of this activity is available at this stage through dialogue about social morality, ethical expectations and legal structures. Part Two: Establishing an Account. Each provider takes a slightly different route to getting the information they require to establish an e-mail account and therefore it is best to follow the process of establishing your own account in order to become familiar with any particulars. The essential requirement during this stage is to take each step one at a time. If you do not achieve this, it is highly likely that you will find students have submitted requests for newsletters and other spam either unintentionally or unthinkingly. Overheads, Data Projectors or print-outs are a useful tool for illustrating the steps involved. Screen dumps can provide this information. Teachers are advised to establish an account themself before teaching this activity, so as to print or save relevant screens for later delivery to students.
Part Three: Opening and Deleting There is sometimes delight experienced by students at this point. There is less that can go wrong here, provided everybody has reached the same stage, so step back and enjoy. Part Four: Composing and Replying to E-Mail As in many stages during these activities it is important to take this stage step by step. Attention directed towards maintaining students 'listening skills' is worthwhile. Remember that overheads, Data Projectors or print-outs are a useful tool for illustrating the steps involved. Students can e-mail to each other for practice or to you for confirmation or assessment. Part Five: Creating Folders and Attachments Again it is important
to take this stage step by step, ensuring that students fully understand each
step. There will be a lot of repetition if you do not achieve this. Any tools for illustration of the
steps involved will be useful. By completing this stage students have achieved a
satisfactory level of competence and it is time to start offering congratulations!
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