The Storyboard Editor

To view the Storyboard Editor, click on the thumbnail  

This is the point at which we start looking at how to use Klik and Play. 

This software program is fairly easy to use (at least in the early stages) and offers ready-made characters, cast and stage. You will soon see.  We will start by having a look at the Storyboard Editor

This is a part of KNP where you can see all the frames in your game. It places you in the position of a production Director, determining what will or will not go into your production

If you like, you can imagine the Storyboard Editor as your command post within Klik and Play. From here you can create new files and place them into any order you like. As an example of what the Storyboard Editor looks like, click on the thumbnail below to see a screen dump of my Storyboard Editor. It has the files from my introduction in it. Your Storyboard Editor will have whatever files you have developed in it, instead of the ones you will see here, but aside from that it will look the same. 

Your exercise is to follow the steps illustrated below. First Open Klik and Play and then go to the Storyboard Editor.

It is easy to create a file from within the Storyboard Editor. Just click Tools on the left hand side of the Storyboard Editor screen.

Something that looks like this will pop out.   knp_tool_box_gif

Choose the left hand button which gives you a 'new level'. This will create a new file (called a Frame). 

If you then double click on this file you will go to the Level Editor where you can work on this individual frame. (We will cover more about the Level.Editor  later)

You can move between each area of KNP by using the GoTo button on the left hand side of the screen (above the tools button). Clicking on GoTo will bring out a box that look like this:


As you move your mouse over this box, the name of each area will pop up and you can choose whichever area you want to work in next.

Another way of doing the same thing is to choose Game from the top of your screen and you will find that the same options are available as from the GoTo button. 

There is a lot more that you can do from within the Storyboard Editor, but we will cover that later in this course. For the time being you know how to make new files. There is a huge PDF file which will help you learn about the Storyboard Editor and you can use it any time you wish. The Help file for the Storyboard Editor can be found here.

So, first make three new files (all in the Storyboard Editor) using the instructions above.

OK, that was easy hey! That is all it takes to make a new frame. have a look around at the tools that are available in this area and then when you are ready, take the next step. 

Now you have made the new files, the next thing is to put some stuff in them. For that you need the Level Editor. To go to the next lesson where you will learn about the Level Editor

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