Post Cards

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Students have a location (in Australia?) described to them, based on a geographically significant, (so this means reasonably 'locate-able' ) feature, but without being told precisely where it is. Working in groups, students discover the location of this feature and plan an itinerary for a journey to the selected location.  By utilising Internet resources, and emailing when required to determine prices etc, students develop a list of requirements. This forms one part of the exercise. When students have determined where the location is, how they might travel there, what it would cost and what they would need to complete the trip, students source material relevant to the location and develop  a postcard to send to other groups.


Part A:

To familiarise students with search mechanisms, processes of emailing for information, and using electronic resources to determine requirements and planning to satisfy these requirements.

Part B:

Use of graphic and word programs

Suggested CS SAS Relevance:

To form one component of Open 116: Integrated Project


Time Frame: approx 4 lessons

Part A:

Students have a location in Australia described to them, based on a geographically significant feature, but without being told precisely where it is. Working in groups, students discover the location of this feature and plan an itinerary for a journey to the selected location.  Utilising Internet resources, and emailing when required students determine prices etc, and develop a list of requirements to travel to their destination.

Click here for suggested Internet starting points

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Part B:

  1. Choose a location for your Post Card that you have enjoyed, or can imagine. 
  2. Draft your picture on paper first before using a computer
  3. Write the draft of your letter as though you are writing to friends or family at home.

Drafts should be kept simple to start with, but the finished picture will look wonderful 


Use the first lesson to set up the documents and practice using the drawing tools.
Once completed on screen:

  1. Select all of the drawing and GROUP into one object.
  2. Copy then Duplicate and reduce to stamp size.


Construct Your Story 

1. HOW  did you get there? 
2. WHERE is it ? 
3. WHICH place are you staying at? 
4. WHO are you with? 
5. WHY are you there? 
6. WHAT was your favourite part of the trip? 
7. WHEN will you come home? 


You DO NOT have to use the key words like HOW, WHEN .... 
but answer the questions they ask. 
Don’t forget you won’t be able to write too much on a post card ! 

Alter the order of the questions to suit your story. 

Always DRAFT your ideas first!  



 Extension Work:

  1. Add a water mark & date to the stamp to make it look more authentic
  2. Add a short description of the postcard ie: where it is, or who took the photo - then rotate this text sideway or along an edge.
  3. Encourage more detail in either drawing or text for fast working students.


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Extended from a lesson (Part B) developed by Jennifer Elwin.

View the original lesson

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