This activity is developed to encourage exploration of social systems and technological infrastructure. Students work in a hypothetical situation where technology is threatened. Using the Internet as a research tool, they investigate what types of infrastructure currently exist and what types of performance degradation or disruptions can occur. During this exploration, students focus on how society currently uses technology and research what preparations are made for protection from disruption and what types types of organisations are involved? Students then summarise and report their findings. Literacy in understanding of social influences on and from technology, and integration of computer skills can flow to other curriculum areas. There are three examples of possibilities for processes for this below: 1. If students are also studying legal Studies, focus may be able to be directed towards understanding government structure and identification of the organisations responsible for legal and defensive preparations. 2. For students studying Social Studies, it may be appropriate to compare and contrast: How much of the population of the planet is using power, heat, etc from technologically 'advanced' sources? In what ways is this impacting on a: the environment? Is this impacting on society's' that use less power, heat etc from advanced-technologically dependent sources. What variance is there in the responses of civilisations around the world. Examine the potential impact of hacking or viruses on these societies. 3. For students studying Ancient History, a contrast and comparison between how we solve our needs, and how similar needs were solved by prior civilisations reinforces comparative thinking across history. But wait...there's more Discussions with teachers responsible for other curriculum areas (eg: Social Studies, history, Legal Studies etc) should facilitate appropriate integration of this unit with other curriculum areas.