Hacker Virus Structure


Hacker and Virus Logo


Detail   Rationale  Overview   Scenarios  Structure   Links   Resources:  A    B


component 1         component 2           component 3

Outline of Component One: Students collect information about what role technology plays in modern society.   Students focus on researching a system of technology (eg: communications, power, transport, or other electronic networks) and develop a written summary of how these systems operate in their regional or national area.

General Learning Outcome: Students should develop the ability to undertake independent learning and increase information technology literacy, by pursuing relevant information; learn how to access information efficiently; evaluate information critically and effectively; and to use information effectively and creatively to write a report.

Resources: Some resources can be used to initiate an exploration of the technological and social issues involved. To facilitate this process, web links should be provided that allow students to begin to build a foundation of knowledge. To view some suggestions for web links, click here.

Links can also be found to graphs of statistical information from the Bureau of Statistics which indicate the level of Australian Business Use of Computers  and of Business Use of Internet 


Specific Learning Outcome: Literacy in regards to the social implications of technological use and  inter-dependence

General Learning Outcome: Critical evaluation skills will be developed.

Suggested Examination Mechanism: Teacher Assessment

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Students must now choose a scenario in which technology is threatened and then undertake the following components of this activity.  

In the second component, students are to utilise e-mail to share what they learned (where schools have a conferencing facility, this facility will allow for greater collaboration) in order to develop a contingency plan that would protect themselves or their families against the problems arising from hacker disruption or viral damage to their regional or national system. This stage of unit involves developing an understanding of technological infrastructures and evaluating the potential social consequences from their disruption, and requires the development of an understanding of issues such as distribution systems for food supply, energy and electricity sources and distribution systems, cash-exchange systems and the communications related to safety, and other critical services.

Activity: Working in groups, students are to devise a list of items and preparations they would make so that they could endure in comfort the first week a nominated point for a 'catastrophe' scenario, in the event that power, transport, heat and food supplies were interrupted.

Specific Learning Outcome: Extension of knowledge of the nature and ramifications of reliance on technological infrastructure in modern society.

General Learning Outcome: Students should develop the ability to participate effectively in groups to pursue a generally agreed goal. This will be demonstrated by the ability to develop a creative analysis of the information exchanged within group  collections .

Suggested Assessment Mechanism: Peer Evaluation

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In the third component students will synthesise their group findings, using a range of technologies from word processing to multimedia authoring with examples to be posted on school Web sites whenever possible.

Activity:  Working in groups, students create a multimedia representation of their findings. Each students is to write a report.

General Learning Outcome: Students should demonstrate social co-operation and information literacy skills. This will be evidenced by ethical behaviour in regard to information referencing,  and working co-operatively in groups using software tools to create a group presentation.

Specific Learning Outcomes: The development of project design and implementation skills and extension of publishing skills using electronic technology. The development of project design and implementation skills and extension of publishing skills using electronic technology.

Suggested Examination Mechanism: Teacher assessment of group work and individual reports.

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