Multimedia authoring means composing documents formatted for interactive presentation in more than one medium. To develop good multimedia product, the storyboard is a basic requirement. It is similar to the outline we use when composing a written work. All of use write documents of some kind, but all of us do such work differently; that is, all of us have different organisational strategies. You will find the same to be true for organising your website. You will all find your own way to conceptualise, plan, and track your work. However, I will present one strategy (the storyboard) here so that you can examine the basic requirements you should attend to in your project. You might plan and
organise your website in several ways other than a storyboard: you might, for
example, simply organise your site by means of pieces of paper; that is, you might write
and draw on one piece of paper for each page of your website, indicating on each page,
contents, images, format, links, document properties and other relevant information. The
disadvantage of this method of organisation is that it does not always make clear how
pages are linked one to another. What you end up with is a detailed picture of each page
but no clear sense of how a visitor might move from one page to another.
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