VR Organisations
3001AD LLC
3D Action Gamers' Archive
Ars Electronica CenterThe Ars Electronica Center provides an interdisciplinary platform for "encounters" between the arts, sciences and society. The Center is a model for exploring the impact of new technologies and media for art. The Ars Electronica Research and Residence Program is a forum for artist collaboration and networking with other institutions.
Art+Coman interdisciplinary group concerned with the integration of computer technology, communication and design. ART+COM was founded in 1988 as a centre for computer aided design and communication, with the intention to promote co-operation between science, design and education. Since 1988 ART+COM has established itself as a melting pot for new ideas and new technologies, where specialists from the Arts, from Science and from industry come together to combine their ideas and goals. HOME PAGE at Virtual Reality Projects developed over the last 7 Years at Art+Com, Berlin: New Media in Town Planning (Teleinteractive and Televirtual Townplanning) Cyber City Fly, (Virtual Berlin) T_Vision (Virtual Earth) VR Daimler (Virtual Car) Iconoclast Networked Skin
Atlantis Cyberspace Virtual Reality Entertainment
Audio Engineering SocietyThe AES serves its members, the industry and the public by stimulating and facilitating advances in the constantly changing field of audio. It encourages and disseminates new developments through annual technical meetings and exhibitions of professional equipment, and through the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, the professional archival publication in the audio industry.
Crew System Ergonomics Information Analysis Center (CSERIAC)and Crew Chief ComputerMan :
Defense Modeling & Simulation Office (DMS)
Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS)
Happy Puppy Game Site
Institute for Information Processing and Computer Supported New Media (IICM)
Institute for Interventional Informatics
Mayo Clinic
Microsoft (VRML 2.0 Viewer download)
N64 Third Dimension
Netscape (download Live3D)
Now Enterprises
Sega Online
Simulation Interoperability Working Group
Takshele Corporation
The Natural History Museum
University of Antwerp
U.S. Army Research Laboratory Survivability/Lethality Directorate
Virtual Vegas
Virtual World Wide WebThe Virtual World Wide Web is a network of over 400 independently owned 3D pages. Pages include exhibitions, educational and training sites, amusement and other entertainments, multi user chat worlds, technology pages, promotional sites, virtual shopping, 3D art galleries and virtual cities. The site was originated by Superscape, Inc.
VRML Review Board (VRB)The VRML Review Board (VRB) provides technical review and guidance for Working Groups, advising the VRML Consortium on recommended practices and standards.
VR Sports at Interplay
Zarf' s List of Interactive Games on the Web
Exhibits20/20 BlakeThe current (7/97) George Coates performance in which paintings and engravings selected from throughout William Blake's life appear onstage as projected stage sets. The audience wears 3D glasses to experience stereographic illusions created from digital manipulations of the paintings and engraving, enabling live performers to appear in the artworks.
AlembicAlembic challenges conventional vr representation and interaction paradigms. Displayed at Bonington Gallery, Alembic is an interactive "virtual reality" installation using 3D image display, sound and "field sensing." A sense of immersion is produced by the synthesis of "Dynamic Form" which responds directly to the viewer's movements in an organic and analogue manner.
Angels - VR Movie (1989-1992)" Nicole Stenger is taking advantage of VR hardware advances to create a virtual reality movie, called Angels. The movie involves the interaction of the viewer, who is equipped with Dataglove and goggles. When an angel is touched, it spins new environments and colors out of the crystals that surround it. In creating the movie, Stenger rendered original settings and eliminated some conventional Dataglove gestures." --see Haggerty, M. (1992). Serious Lunacy: Art in Virtual Worlds. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 12(2), 4.
ApparitionsApparitions is both a physical installation at the UC SanDiego University Art Gallery and a computer generated virtual environment created by Vital Signs, a collaborative group of artists and programmers.
Arena Life by Ulrike GabrielEach polygon generated in the "Perceptual Arena" is developed as a form of artificial life called "Being". It is generated and developed not only by the participant in his HMD and Data Glove, but also by anyone accessing it through the internet. 'Being' now becomes a matter of being manipulated by a plurality of people, a 'tribe' that create a kind of 'bottom up' circumstance for artificial life --- circumstances within circumstances. "Perceptual Arena" is a realtime virtual environment designed with OTHERSPACE. In the default state completely empty, it creates a visual space texture as a coding of the user interaction. The interaction is simply to be in the space, to perceive it, to move around and to grasp the resulting virtual clay, which defines the space and is the material for the further interaction.
(Art)^n Laboratory
Virtual Photography/PHSColograms (Art) to the Nth Power, Inc. uses digital 3D and animation hard copy technology products to display digital renderings of art in its installation gallery.
BREATH by Ulrike GabrielIn BREATH the participant's breath was projected onto four surrounding screens in the form of changing polygons by means of abstract computer graphics.
Chimerium, by Perry Hoberman and Scott FisherChimerium' is the beginning of an interactive, three-dimensional virtual world that visitors can enter and explore at the InfoART Pavilion at the Kwangju 95 Biennale site. The Biennale was curated by internationally renowned artist Nam June Paik and art and technology writer Cynthia Goodman.
CLOUDS OF: The things that float before your eyes by Robin PetterdThis installation work explores 'how images and people seem to float by, out of reach in so much of life because the experience of them has been mediated by technology'. The work also attempts to address some of the problems of how to show interactive and computer based work in a gallery setting by the addition of more elements to gallery than just a computer screen and making the interactive components of the exhibition as easy to use as possible.
Conversation with Angels by AmpcomPresented at the Ars Electronica Festival 97, Conversation with Angels is a multi-user VRML 2.0 world in which visitors choose an avatar in which to enter the worlds and chat with a variety of robot personalities via a text interface. Ampcom is the artists Andy Best and Merja Puustinen.
CUI: Cathartic User Interface by Perry Hoberman and Nick PhillipsAn interactive, multi-participant installation originally installed in the Blasthaus Gallery in 1995.
Electric CarnivalA collaboration of musicians, software developers, visual artists, and animation specialists produced a travelling road show of "digital marvels" that criss-crossed the country for nine weeks during the summer of 1994 as part of the Lollapalooza alternative rock festival.
Electronic Garden/NatuRealization by Miroslaw RogalaA web installation which changes over time through interaction with visitors. eGarden allows the viewer to participate through an interactive audio set-up, take "pictures" of the garden, and explore the garden's history, culture, and animal life.
Faraday's Garden by Perry HobermanIn Faraday's Garden, participants walk through a landscape of household and office appliances which function as a time travel experience, also uses 3D audio technology.
FRACTAL FLESH by StelarcStelarc's work explores and extends the concept of the body and its relationship with technology through human/machine interfaces incorporating the Internet and Web, sound, music, video and computers.
GENETIC IMAGES by Karl SimsThis interactive installation is an unusual collaboration between humans and machine: the humans supply decisions of visual aesthetics, and the computer supplies the mathematical ability for generating, mating, and mutating complex textures and patterns. The viewers are not required to understand the technical equations involved. The computer can only experiment at random with no sense of aesthetics - but the combination of human and machine abilities permits the creation of results that neither of the two could produce alone.
Guggenheim Museum, LCD Display, 1989-1990 by Jenny HolzerA museum installation by Jenny Holzer.
Host Body/Coupled Gestures-Event for Virtual Arm, Scanning Robot andThird Hand by StelarcStelarc's body is the site for an integrated human/electronic performance. A data glove on one of Stelarc's hands sends finger flexion and position data to a computer-generated "manipulator" that not only functions like an arm in virtual space, but extends human performance: it has continuous wrist and finger rotation, infinite stretching, and grafting. On his other arm is a robotic Third Hand that is activated by EMG abdominal and leg muscle signals. Sensors connected to various parts of Stelarc's body track EMG signals, acoustically "amplifying" the internal functions of his body; mercury switches on Stelarc's arms allow his body to become a video switcher. An IRB 2000 robot arm towers over Stelarc, with a camera attached, circling and scanning his body.
HUMAN ENERGY: DIVIDED WE STAND by Miroslaw RogalaAn interactive video symphony in six movements.
Interface Autodrom by Tommy Lehner, Peter Hauenschild, Georg RitterAUTODROM is a multimedia experimental array and installation presented at the Ars Electronica Festival 97. AUTODROM involves the collision of two worlds at the intersection of Reality Road and the Cyberspace Expressway - the man-machine interface, a two-way feedback loop interlinking mankind and the virtual world. The human-controlled machines moving along an actual test track have their equivalent in virtual space in the form of 3-D characters. An additional computer-generated factor has been engineered into the behavior of these figures.
Lovers Leap by Miroslaw RogalaAn interactive multimedia installation.
MENAGERIE: A Virtual Experience by Scott Fisher:A fully immersive virtual environment installation that is inhabited by virtual characters and presences specially designed to respond to and interact with its users. This experience allows a visitor to become visually and aurally immersed in a 3D computer generated environment. Produced by Scott Fisher of Telepresence Research in collaboration with Magic Box Productions, Inc.
Mothers of Time: Seven Paleolithic Figurines from the Louis Alexandre Jullien CollectionOn view at the Canadian Museum of Civilisation, these thumb-sized, Ice-Age artifacts can be examined and manipulated by means of three-dimensional, stereoscopic viewing. The technology allows the spectator to magnify the image, turn it upside down or zoom in on a specific detail.
Ornitorrinco in Eden by Eduardo Kac and Ed BennettA networked telepresence installation, the result of a collaboration of Eduardo Kac and Ed Bennett.
Parasite Performance by StelarcIn the Parasite performances the cyborged body enters a symbiotic/parasitic connection with information. Images gathered from the internet are mapped onto the body and, by a muscle stimulation system, the body becomes a reactive node in an extended nervous system. This system electronically extends the body's optical and operational parameters beyond its cyborg augmentation of third arm, muscle and computerized visual elements.
Ping datascapeImages, hypertexts, movies, noises, and objects located in the WWW are positioned on an interactive map which forms the ping datascape. A virtual camera, called the eye agent, is constantly moving through the datascape, thereby generating the Ping-movie, a live and real time flight through the Internet.
Please Change Beliefs by Jenny HolzerAn interactive exhibit in which the participants alter the "truisms" or add their own.
Rouen Revisited by Golan Levin and Paul DebevecRouen Revisted is an artifact about artifacts about an artifact-- an interactive and open-ended interpretation of paintings and photographs, which are themselves interpretations of an ancient Gothic artwork.
Slippery TracesThe Postcard Trail by George Legrady A non-linear narrative in which the viewer navigates through a maze of about 200 interconnected postcards that cover a range of topics such as nature, geography, colonialism, the future, work, urban environments, technology, race, gender, the supernatural, kitsch, etc. Each postcard contains approximately 5 hotspots or links, each of which when selected by the viewer, leads to a different image. The hotspots links to other images are based on literal, semiotic, psychoanalytic, metaphoric or other connections. As the viewer navigates through the images following their interest and desire, a database algorithm keeps track of each move, weaving a second level story based on the sequence of the viewer's choices. The viewer can choose to see this statistical analysis, or metaphoric trace (situated beneath the postcard image) as it is constantly updated and adjusted according to each sequential move.
THE ADDING MACHINEA Virtual Reality Project This site demonstrates the ways in which virtual reality technology can be used to illuminate an existing dramatic text.
The Caves of LascauxAlthough the real Caves exist, they are now closed to the public due to concern over deterioration of the thousands of paintings in the Caves. The natural traffic of visitors after the rediscovery of the Caves in 1946 brought harmful bacteria and moisture into the Caves. This exhibit, created by Benjamin Britton, allows visitors to experience the Caves without harming the paintings, as well as educates the public.
The Clearing by George Legrady"The Clearing" is an interactive computer artwork that deals with the representation of the Bosnian conflict in the language of the Western news print media. Viewers interact with a moving hunting photograph to scan a range of topics on Bosnia. They can choose any of 30 categories to examine news quotes imbedded in the photograph. Different points of view are identified through color coding: The Bosnian Muslims, the Serbs and outside news commentaries. The viewers' experience of information search through the computer program interface is designed to reveal traces of vision technologies' origins in military and medical applications, a particular kind of seeing that can be described as "search and destroy" or "hold still while I examine."
The Invisible Shape of Things Past"The Invisible Shape of Things Past" is an exploration of the representation of time in virtual space and the navigation through time in VR. The project enables users to transform film sequences (time-based information) into interactive virtual objects.
The Topological Slide by Michael Scroggins and Stewart DicksonA collaboration of Michael Scroggins and Stewart Dickson in which the participant is able to "surf" mathematical topology.
"Wings" at i.e.VRAn experimental production in which the audience was outfitted with i-glasses. [United States, University of
Kansas, projected computer graphic system, HMDs, theatre/performance arts, i.e.VR at the
University of Kansas]