Society and Information Technology Module 3 Index

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Module 3 Culture and Identity

| Introduction | Duration | Pre-requisites | Differentiation | Processes | Curriculum.Outcomes | Resources | Lessons | Assessment

Module 1 Introduction


Culture and Identity are explored through consideration of the impact of technological change on different social and  cultural groups. In this module students will brainstorm information technology changes and consider whether or not they represent advances with reference to the social group they are considering. Students will analyse the data they have found and then evaluate the implications these changes will have on daily lives of people (referenced to the social group they have specified). Students will create a 'poster' to convince an audience of the need for continuation or change and specify the what should be continued or changed. In Module 4 this can be (optionally) incorporated into a group project multimedia presentation.

Approximate Time Needed:  

Approximate Duration: Three weeks (5 lessons @ 70 minutes) The module is designed to run over 5 lessons. Each lesson is expected to be of seventy minutes duration. The module has been structured in such a way as to allow for lessons of 34-45 minutes with a reduced set of expectations, or alternatively to be expanded to include 10 lessons with a set of outcomes similar to the original structure. 

Prerequisite Skills:  

Pre-Requisite Skills:

1. Students have a working knowledge of basic research skills.

2. Students have a working knowledge of word processing skills.

3. Students have a working knowledge of accessing Internet Explorer / Netscape Navigator.

Modifications for Differentiated Instruction:  

Modification for Differentiated Instruction

For the special needs student:

Examples of modification techniques include: extending time on computer, extending time requirements for completion of assignments, providing a template, dictating information to a scribe, reducing the number of areas to research and offering of individual teacher or instructional aide assistance.

For the gifted student:

The advanced student will be encouraged to organize their 'community poster' to highlight not only the positive points of their argument, but also pointing out the weaknesses of the antithesis.

The advanced student may choose to create a publicity poster that convinces a private company to fund their advanced technology idea.

The advanced student will also be encouraged to analyse the implications of funding one of the technological advances. They will critically think about how these advances will negatively impact their community and/or society.



1. Students will brainstorm information technology changes and consider whether or not they represent advances  in the area of housing, communication, entertainment, daily responsibilities, transportation, medical advances, currency/money exchanges or other area as agreed with the teacher, with reference to the social group they are considering.

2. Students will surf the web to find sites that relate to their research advances.

3. Students will gather and interpret the information for their project following a research method which includes: questioning, planning, researching, analysing, synthesizing, and evaluating.

4. Students will analyse the data they have found and then evaluate the implications these changes will have on daily lives of people with reference to the social group they are considering. 

5. Students will create a 'poster' to convince a group (students will specify their target audience) of the need for change and specify that change. In Module 4 this can be (optionally) incorporated into a group project multimedia presentation.

Curriculum Learning Outcomes:

Curriculum Learning Outcomes:

The Core Questions in this module should be based on the following:

Core learning outcomes:

CI 6.1 Students analyse the ways in which various societies inhibit or promote cultural diversity.

CI 6.4 Students describe specific instances of cultural change resulting from government legislation or policies that have impacted on other cultural groups.

Discretionary Learning Outcomes:

BY6.2 Students synthesise quantitative and qualitative data on perceptions of a current cultural issue to develop a community information strategy.  


Resources: See Below or view Resource List 

Lessons for Module 1

Lesson for Module 3

Lesson 11

An overview of difference. The Information Divide. Socio-economic differences. Australia in the 'global village'. At this stage students begin to expand their analysis to determine what differences there may be in this scenario as it affects other cultures. A regional perspective is expanded to a global perspective and analysis of difference begun.


Resource 11a Culture and Identity Word Search 

Resource 11b Culture and Identity Word Search Solution

Lesson 12

An overview of Australian interdependence with information technology systems. How does the government participate? Rights and Responsibilities through citizenship. 


Resource 12 Government Web Links B

Lesson 13

Culture and Identity are explored through consideration of the impact of technological change on different social and  cultural groups. Students explore cultural change arising from the advent of information technologies.


Resource 13 Culture and Identity Web Links  

Lesson 14

Students synthesise quantitative and qualitative data on perceptions of a current cultural issue related to Information Technology to develop a position and a community information strategy.  


Resource 14a Win As Much As You Can Instructions. 

Resource 14b Win As Much As You Can Proforma. 

Lesson 15

Students prepare a community information poster.


Resource 15 Community Information Poster proforma 


Assessment Module 3: Students will create a 'poster' to convince a group (students will specify their target audience) of the need for change and specify that change. In Module 4 this can be (optionally) incorporated into a group project multimedia presentation.  For a marking mechanism see Module 3 Assessment This module is developed on the premise that students will be informed of the outcomes by which they will be assessed, before they commence the unit. This allows students to consider from the beginning what process they wish to take through this course and be fully informed. All criteria, both learning outcomes and assessment instruments should be supplied to each student. 




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