Peace Web Links

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Global Learning Centre

The Global Learning Centre aims to promote understanding of people's shared responsibilities for developing more peaceful, just and ecologically sustainable communities in our world.

Copenhagen Peace Research Institute

The Copenhagen Peace Research Institute (COPRI) was established as an independent institute by the Danish Parliament in 1985 aimed at supporting and strengthening multidisciplinary research on Peace and Security. In 1996 the status of COPRI was made permanent and changed to that of a Government Research Institute under the Ministry of Research and Information Technology. 

International Peace Academy  

The International Peace Academy (IPA) is an independent, non-partisan, international organization dedicated to promoting the peaceful settlement of armed conflicts between and within states. It focuses its activities primarily in the following areas:

International Relations and Security Network   

The ISN is a one-stop information service in the fields of international relations and security. Among the services offered are: an annotated links library, a limited area search tool (ISN LASE), a selection of resources on current world affairs, and specialized fact databases. The ISN also develops educational modules in the fields mentioned and acts as a platform for networking, dialogue, and cooperation within the international security community. The ISN's Internet services are public and free of charge.

Towards A Culture Of Peace   

UNESCO’s Culture of Peace Project aims to promote values, attitudes and behaviours in people so that they will seek peaceful solutions to problems.
As a transdisciplinary project, all Sectors of the Organization are active in the development of innovative projects and activities that foster this new culture.
In working with a wide range of partners, UNESCO aims to advance a global movement for a Culture of Peace.

WWWL International Affairs Resources 

A list of peace related links  


A cultural World Encyclopaedia

The Australian UNESCO Associated Schools Project (ASPnet)

With violence and conflicts sparked off by social, ethnic or religious hostilities erupting daily around the world, how can young people possibly know about tolerance and international understanding?
Violence in all forms, be it on the other side of the world or at one's doorstep, leave children and young people of today exposed to strife, destruction, fear and isolation. UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet), a global network of schools, endeavours to meet these and other challenges facing humanity by putting education at the forefront to defend peace.



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